Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Movin' and Groovin'

I've been meaning to post that I finally feel Ava movin' and groovin' !!! I really started feeling her last week, and it's even stronger this week (at 22 weeks). I'm very excited. I still can't believe it every time I feel something. I felt Amelia move much earlier but when I think back I'm sure it's because my fluid levels got so low so it was easier to feel. Being the worry wart that I am, I was starting to get concerned about not feeling Ava, even though my doctor assured me that was normal. I tried to get Isabella to feel her last night...she said she did, but I'm not totally convinced. Oh well, she was excited with whatever she thought she felt...and who knows maybe she did. I can't wait for my doctor appointments on 2/10...especially the one with the perinatal specialist and have another sono!!!

My poor baby...

Isabella has had eczema since she was born. There are times when her flare ups are worse than others...usually on her face, hands and the back of her legs. Crazy weather definitely does not help her skin condition.

I noticed on Friday that it was starting to flare up. It was 80 degrees and she had been at the park playing all afternoon with my dad, so I wasn't too surprised. Saturday it started to get a little worse and then Sunday it was starting to look a little better because I made sure she didn't touch or scratch her face. Yesterday she stayed with my father in-law and her face got soooooo bad, and it was starting to go down her neck. My sister in-law (a nurse) stopped by their house and she said that she it had gotten infected.

So after work, I took Isabella to the after hours clinic. Basically they confirmed what my sis in-law said they thought that she had a staph infection called impetigo. They swabed her face for a culture to make sure. We left with a prescription for an oral anitbotic, a topical antibotic, and hydrocortizone. Of course then when I went to the pharmacy I almost had a heart attack, because they told me that the oral antibotic was going to cost $125!!! And that was with insurance...insurance saved me $230! What heck was this stuff?! They said it was a really strong antibotic. The topical cost $40...so all and all it was a $200 night.

I just feel so bad for her. She looked at herself in the mirror yesterday and just started bawling. It was so sad. It looks horrible. The doc did say that we should see a huge improvement in about 2 days. Apparently kids with eczema are more prone to getting staph, so I guess I'm lucky she's never had it before. They only thing I can think of is she caught it off the playground when the flare up first started and she would of been touching all the equipment then scratching her face. :(

Friday, January 23, 2009


So I'm totally into getting ready to decorate Ava's room. Still need to finish clearing out the junk that is currently in there, but after that is done hopefully we can get the paint and stuff up. Meanwhile I've gotten crafty and made wall letters for her room. I'm pretty darn proud of myself! Desmond didn't think I would actually finish, since he says I never complete a project...but I called him last night to let him know I was done painting them. He was impressed. I told him that I still needed to put a glaze over it and attach the ribbon and he just busted out laughing. Hey, I'm done...those are just minor details. ;)

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Heather's Baby "Sprinkle"

This weekend, my friend Amy and I hosted my best friend's baby "sprinkle." For those of you not familiar with what a baby sprinkle is, it's a smaller scale baby shower in which guests "sprinkle" the new mom with the little necessities she needs for a new baby. It is not a full blown "shower", but just a light sprinkling of gifts. Since big brother Cole is 2 1/2 years old, Heather already has almost everything she needs for Gage Tyson when he arrives on January 30th! We had it at The Cheesecake Factory and had a wonderful time. Here a just a few pictures.

Heather looking as fabulous as ever!

The two preggo mamas!

Some of the family and friends that attended

Friends...The Dance Rep girls 10 years and counting!

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Baby Update...

Went to the doctor on Tuesday, 1/13. I'm now 20 weeks. Which makes me feel a little better since I have now pasted the point where I lost Amelia. Everything looked good. I measuring 22 and I had a "weight jump." She said that could be due to the holidays, or if I don't think I overdid it for the holidays than it just might of been time for a little growth spurt. I promise I'm not sitting her stuffing my face with food. There are days that I have to remind myself to eat and not starve the baby. I convienced this was a natural growth spurt. Whatever...

Baby Ava's heart beat was 150. I was never so glad to hear the little pitter patter of her little heart since I don't really feel her movin' and groovin' yet.

I've gone thru all of Isabella's old baby clothes, and hung some of them up. Need to get a dresser to go with the awesome mirror I got at The Dump so I can put the rest of the clothes away. Really wanting to get the nursery done ASAP because I know time flies and I don't want to be scrambling around at the last minute. Still need a crib, since I had given Isabella's away the month before I found out I was pregnant. I was convinced I wasn't going to be able to have more kids and saving that stupid crib seemed like a waste. Oh well, once again I was wrong, but I wanted a new one anyway. Also need to paint the room and get rid of the wallpaper the previous owners had in there. Would of worked if I had a boy, but not a girl.

I have a headache (which is a daily occurance, but this one is really bad) so I guess that's it for now. Darn hormones!

Life Update...

Well keeping up with this blog thing is not as easy as I thought it would be! Someday I will find the time to put up daily updates and such...for now, let me just play a little game of catch up. ;)

So, Isabella had her 5th birthday party on December 20th at Chuck E. Cheese, and had a blast! I never saw that child so happy, and I actually cried that night because I felt so blessed to see my child have such a wonderful day. I know...probably wouldn't of lost it if I didn't have these raging hormones, but still. Here are some pictures that my dad took. A little blurry since trying to catch the child in action was proving to be very difficult, but you get the idea.

Then her actually birthday was 12/23, and we just had a cupcakes at the house. Her younger cousin was admitted into the hospital the day after her birthday party, so on her real birthday she blew out the candle and made a wish. She said "Mama, you want to know what I wished for?" I almost said no, and told her to keep it a secret so it would come true, but something made me want to know so I said yes. She said "I wished for Taylor (her cousin) to get better and to come home real soon." I told her that was a wonderful wish. That's Isabella for you...my little nurturer. It touched my heart that she made a wish for someone else instead of herself. I think more tears might of come that night...darn hormones!
Moving onto Christmas. Don't have any pictures downloaded yet, but we had a good time. House hopped...started at home, then moved onto my dad's house, then ended up at the in-laws house. At the end of the day Isabella said, "Mama, I got everything that I wished for!" I told her she must of been a very good girl. Touched my heart how she said it so innocently...by this point I've gotten used to going to bed crying tears of joy.