Tuesday, May 26, 2009


I'm just going to whine for 2.5 seconds so bare with me. I'm usually not a complainer. I take what is thrown at me and go with it...like it or not. But I can't take this anymore. First of all, my life isn't what it used to be and that sucks enough (if you don't know what I'm talking about sorry, it's on a need to know bases at this point), but add in this discomfort on top of it I'm miserable. I'm ready for Ava to be here and to go on with the next stage of my life. My back aches, my hands and feet go numb, I cry too much, I feel all alone, I feel heavy physically and mentally...the list could go on and on. Only 2 more days...I just have to hang in there 2 days...can I do it? I guess, but I'm ready to be out of my misery.

*Sorry, that was longer than 2.5 seconds. But if you know me, it could of been a lot worse. ;)

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

38 week appointment

I'm now dilated to a 3 and 50% effaced. Last week I was a tight 2 and my cervix was not thinning at all. So, I'm progressing! The doctor told me that I might not make it to the 28th, since I'm already making progress without her stimulating me. Honestly, I think it would be great if I could just have this baby this weekend...except that my mother in-law will be out of town this weekend. :( So I sit here in discomfort and wait...

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

The Countdown is ON!!!

Do you realize that I will have a baby in 9 days?! OMG!!! Isabella asked me how many more days yesterday and I told her 10...she said "Finally she's gonna come!" That child is so excited. So am I for that matter...I'm ready to have this baby in my arms and not in my belly! I have my 38 week appointment tomorrow...my last appointment before I get induced. Eek! It will be interesting to see if anything has changed from last week. We'll see...

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Mother's Day

My dad took Isabella, my mom and I to Coast Global Seafood for Mother's Day. I had never been there, but the food and atmosphere was excellent! It's over in the Shops of Legacy if you ever want to go out for a nice meal. Here are some pictures. And yes, that is the same dress that I had on at my baby shower a few posts down. This big bellied momma has a limited wardrobe of clothing that still fits her and actually looks nice. ;)

The sun was in our eyes...

Monday, May 11, 2009


So I'm finally making progress on Ava's room. It seems like I have had something to do every weekend (Isabella and her birthday parties) that I haven't been able to get much done. Well, I'm officially in crunch now that my mom is here to help me! This weekend I made some headway.

Things left to do:

-I'm still have to get the dresser/changer up in the room which I plan to do this weekend.

-Waiting for the valance to arrive to put on the window

-Note there is no mattress in the crib...ordering and waiting to arrive
-Need to make another piece of artwork...in all my spare time. ;)

-Convince Isabella that she does not need a red & yellow room like Ava. For someone who was so upset with my color choices now that she sees it, she loves it. I want to do something different for her room...

Took a picture of the fan so you can see how the green ties in with the bedding and the wood ties in with the rocker, dresser/changer & mirror.

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Ava or Nahla?!?!!!

So last night I had a dream about Ava. I was in the hospital and I delivered her. She looked nothing like Isabella. She had a little bit different skin tone, lighter curly hair (the curls were looser than Isabella's) and her eyes were this clear greenish/blue color. She was bigger than Isabella was too. At first I was just so shocked that she looked so much different...she had so many more of Desmond's features than mine, and I didn't know how to feel about that. But then she just looked at me with such innocence and love that I quickly got over it! Isabella was a little jealous of her eyes, but she too quickly got over it and we showered her with love and affection. Having my two beautiful girls next to me felt like nothing I had ever experienced.

It wasn't until I got to work, I realized who Ava looked like in my dream. Halle Berry's baby! I had Halle Berry's baby in my dream. Crazy!

Look at her...she kinda has some of Desmond's features. And look at Halle...could that not totally be me holding her?! Seriously...if you took a picture of me with my sunglasses on from that angle, that's what I would look like (now if I only looked like her from the front)! ;)

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

36 Week Appointment

Again, I still can't believe I'm 36 weeks...

I had my doctor's appointment today. From now until the birth of Ava I will be going every week. I'm already dilated to a 2! My doctor said that my cervix is still long, but really I could go into labor anytime from now thru my induction date. She also said that if I don't already have my bags packed for the hospital to go ahead and get them ready. Otherwise I will be scrambling around and forget something...don't you so see that happening to me?! ;) It all seems to be happening so fast now. With everything going on in my life I just want to make sure that Ava has the best possible life that she can have. I already love her so much. I can't believe I'm about to have two baby girls! I always wanted two girls...Desmond said he always wanted girls too. I guess we got our wish on that. Ava is truly a blessing. I'm getting all hormonal and teary eyed now so I'll stop. ;)

Tuesday, May 5, 2009


Where's Ava?

There she is!!!

I'm loving the fact that you can't tell from the front or back in pictures that I'm pregnant! But boy can you ever when I turn to the side!!! Wowsers, look at that belly! There is no hiding that! I can't believe that today I'm 36 weeks today. After this week, I will be considered full term...full term is anywhere from 37-40 weeks. So it won't be long now! Clearly I could blow at any minute, and let me tell you I'm ready! All the sudden the aches, pains and discomfort have set in. I'm ready to see what my baby girl is going to look like, and so is Isabella!

Speaking of Isabella...again I have to tell you that she is the sweetest little thing. I came home from work last night and she had thrown me her own little baby shower! She blew up balloons and everything! She even had a present set out and she didn't even forget the card! That child thinks of everything. The "card" was a picture of our family she drew. And the present were some of her Beanie Babies that she no longer used to give to Ava. So sweet!

Oh and this is just a cute picture I got last night. We had bought a bead box for all of her beads at Laura's garage sale over the weekend. Her beads used to be all mixed together in a big box, but she finally finished sorting them out yesterday. She was very proud...as was I, because I was tired of helping her sort those things out. ;)

Monday, May 4, 2009

More Shower Pics...

My camera just finished charging so I can put up some more pictures. The other pictures were from Heather's camera. There is a cute one on Katy's camera that I want too.
A little bit better shot of the cake...too cute!
There's the third table! Well, most of them. ;)
Me and my girl...I love her so much.

My Baby "Sprinkle"

Once again, my friends proved to be too good to me and threw me an awesome baby "sprinkle" on Sunday (a sprinkle is like a smaller shower for someone who is having their 2nd baby). Thank you Heather, Amy and Katy!!! It was at a resturant in downtown McKinney called Poppy's. The food was fantastic and the atmosphere was awesome. Here are some pictures. I'll post more later .

Heather and me

Mom and me

The mother to be...again. ;)

Now I finally see why people say I don't look that big! You can't tell from the front...Nice!

Cake cutting...such a cute cake/cupcakes.

Some of us...not all of us (2/3 tables)...there is another table to the right that didn't get in the pic.

I also had a baby shower at work on Friday! When it rains, it pours...get it?! I know, I'm a dork. ;) I got a lot of nice things there as well.

I'm very blessed that I have so many people in my life that love and care about me.