Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Free Lunch!!!

Well, we all know how I get a thrill about getting something free. I don't know what it is, but it is so exciting to me! I get it from my grandmother. We all tease on my dad's side of the family that when we either win money or get something for free/really cheap that Grandma is smiling down on us from Heaven.

Well Grandma would of been proud of me today! While I was getting ready for work this morning and watching the news I heard them say that Dominos Pizza was giving away there new pasta bread bowls today! Woo hoo! It was to start at anticipating a long line or something I left the office at 10:40. I get to Domino's and it's like a ghost town. Then I start doubting what I heard and I called a co-worker try to find it on the news website but she couldn't. So then I see their phone # on the store window...mind you I parked facing away from the store so they wouldn't see me. I called them up and they said yep it was true they were giving them for free from 11-2!

So now I had time to waste since there wasn't the mad rush on the pasta bowls that I had envisioned. So I called Laura and she left the office and met me there. By the time she got there it was right at 11:00. As she was pulling in, I saw a man in a grey car vooming into the parking lot and he pulled in front of Dominos. Apparently he thought there was going to be a rush too, because he partically ran to the door. Sure enough he was there for a freebie too. It was hilarious! You think he would of calmed down when he noticed the parking lot was practically empty. He looked very excited. He must get a secret thrill from getting free things too.

Anyway, the bread bowl was HUGE and I only ate half, so now I have dinner too!

Next deal of the day? Baskin Robbins! Today you can get up to 3 scoops of ice cream for 31 cents! God Bless America! ;)

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Amelia Grace

One year ago today, Desmond and I gave birth and lost Amelia Grace. Although I only carried her for just shy of 20 weeks, she will always be a part of my heart and soul and will never be forgotten. I know that she will always be a little guardian angel looking out over me, for that is the way God intended it to be. I love you baby girl.

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Hula Hoop!

Last week Isabella spent a lot of time with my dad while I was at work since my in-laws were in Ireland. She discovered a hula hoop at my dad's house that my dad reminded me he had gotten me a couple of Christmas' ago and I never took it home. :/ Oops. Anyway, Isabella wanted to learn how to do it so badly. So we took it home so she could practice. Once again I under estimated this little girl thinking it would take her forever to learn how to use it. Nope. Only about 2 days. Now she is a hula hoop pro! I told my mom about it and she challenged Isabella to a hula hoop contest when she comes to town next week. Isabella is psyched! Then she decided to throw my dad into the competition. This should be something. Here she is with her hips in action!

My Clown

The other day when Isabella and I were at the grocery store and she begged me to buy her this balloon kit. Of course I gave in. It came with a pump and everything to make your own little balloon animals and stuff. Isabella's goal in life right now is to make me happy and to see me smile (kids are so observant). So what does she do? She makes a balloon animal for me. I saw her sitting there twisting and turning the balloon (without using any kind of instructions) and I wondered what she would end up with. Amazingly enough, she made a dog! I was impressed, and of course she made me smile. Now she says she wants to be a clown when she grows up so that she can make balloon animals and put smiles on every ones faces. So sweet!

Friday, April 17, 2009

33 weeks 3 days

Well here I am. 33 weeks and 3 days...only a little over a month left to go. It's not the best picture, but it will do. Excuse the bags under my eyes...I haven't been sleeping too well.

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Ava Update

I had a sono and doctor's appointment today. Ava looks good. She is already in the head down position. She is about 4 lbs 1 oz...measuring a little large for her due date, but not too large. If I go to term she will be a big baby. Although with the false labor pains that I had last week my doctor thinks I might not make it to my induction date. She said she thinks she'll start trying to "stimulate" me (whatever that means) around 37 weeks to see if I will go on my own. And with the size Ava is now she will still be a good size baby around 38 weeks. I had Isabella at 38 weeks and she was 6 lbs 12 oz...she said if I had gone to term with her she probably would of been at least or close to an 8 lbs baby. Oh and the sonographer said there is no denying that Ava is definitely a girl!

I'll have to try to scan in the sono pictures. Baby girl likes her hands around her face so it was hard to get a good profile shot. We did get a good shot of one of her feet and it looks EXACTLY like Isabella's Fred Flinestone feet!

Another visit from the Tooth Fairy!

Isabella has officially lost her second tooth! Is she becoming a big girl or what?! And this time we had a tooth fairy pillow! So last night she slept in her room with the pillow so the tooth fairy would know where to find her. Of course she woke up at 3:30 and came to my room. Thank goodness she didn't check the pillow because the tooth fairy hadn't come yet. :/ Well this morning when we woke up and my child is such a lazy butt that she was too tired to even look to see if the tooth fairy had come. She said she would look after school. Weirdo! But she's my werido and I love her. :)

We would like to thank Auntie Perla (Desmond's Aunt) as she is now the official tooth puller outter. This is the only person Isabella wants yanking out her teeth, because all Perla does is "clean" the tooth with a paper towel and out it comes!

Monday, April 6, 2009

My Goofy Girl!

My her silliest.

Easter Egg Hunt

On Sunday, I took Isabella to an Easter Egg hunt that we had set up thru the mom's board that I'm on. Go figure the day before it was sunny and 80 degrees, but the next day it was cold and windy. We still had a good time. When you stood out in the sun, it wasn't as bad and for the few seconds the wind stopped gusting it felt good.

31 weeks 2 days

After I got the "buns out of the oven" (the cupcakes). Isabella took a picture of my bun in my oven. Here I am looking like one of those big golden eggs on Willie Wonka in the Chocolate factory at 31 weeks.

Strange how I keep making references to Willie Wonka on my preggo pictures. Last time I compared myself to Violet the large blueberry now this. Hmmm... And what's crazy is Willie Wonka and the Chocolate Factory was playing on the television in the delivery room when Isabella was born. It all comes around full circle...

I know, I'm being weird. Forgive me.

R.I.P Goldie

Last Thursday, Isabella's beloved fish Goldie went down the toilet to gold fish heaven. Let me tell you the whole story...

Came home Thursday and had cleaning the fish tank top on the priority list. That was before my craving for cupcakes kicked in. So on the way home I bought some cake mix. New priority...cupcakes! I was feeling depressed and what better way to lift my mood then making cupcakes with my little goofball child. So the second we got home we started. Then I realized I should make the child real food to eat for dinner. So while the cupcakes were baking Isabella ate dinner. By the time she finished...DING!...cupcakes ready. But we had to let them cool before we iced them. Perfect! That gives us time to clean the fish tank...I was not going to put it off another day.

We marched right up the stairs to her room. And Isabella saw Whitey, but couldn't find Goldie. Oh wait she found him...stuck to the filter. I told her that Goldie had died. You would of thought the child lost her best friend (although your's truly is the one that has been taking care of these fish since the day we brought them home for her birthday)...poor girl. She started bawling. I tell her that we will flush Goldie down the toilet and he will go to the fishie sea heaven. I said he will wake up in fishie heaven and start swimming around when he gets there. So what does she say? "Ok! Let's flush him down the toilet and he will come to life and swim back to us!" Then I had to explain it didn't quite work that way. The bawling started all over again. She then wanted to talk to her daddy. I told her to go downstairs and get the phone and I would "take care of Goldie." So she gets back upstairs with the phone and asked me where Goldie was. I told her I flushed him down the toilet. She said "You did it without me?!" The bawling starts all over again. I told her I didn't want her last memory of Goldie to be in a toilet. She needed to remember the good time she had with him.
So we clean the tank so Whitey will live on...alone. Poor fish.

When all the fish business was said and done the cupcakes were finished cooking. Thank goodness, a distraction!!! We run back down stairs to ice and decorate the cupcakes. What a night!

Amazing...can't tell she was bawling about a dead fish 10 minutes earlier.

Isabella's "Mmmmmm!!!!" face!