Thursday, April 9, 2009

Ava Update

I had a sono and doctor's appointment today. Ava looks good. She is already in the head down position. She is about 4 lbs 1 oz...measuring a little large for her due date, but not too large. If I go to term she will be a big baby. Although with the false labor pains that I had last week my doctor thinks I might not make it to my induction date. She said she thinks she'll start trying to "stimulate" me (whatever that means) around 37 weeks to see if I will go on my own. And with the size Ava is now she will still be a good size baby around 38 weeks. I had Isabella at 38 weeks and she was 6 lbs 12 oz...she said if I had gone to term with her she probably would of been at least or close to an 8 lbs baby. Oh and the sonographer said there is no denying that Ava is definitely a girl!

I'll have to try to scan in the sono pictures. Baby girl likes her hands around her face so it was hard to get a good profile shot. We did get a good shot of one of her feet and it looks EXACTLY like Isabella's Fred Flinestone feet!

1 comment:

Dysfunktional said...

I think you should get clarification from the doctor on what she means by "Stimulate". :)