Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Moving on to...

So I finished Twilight last Friday night (yes, I know, I have NO life!). I didn't think that I would actually finish because I was only half way or so thru, but I did. I think I was really anxious to finish because I wanted to go see the movie over the weekend. I did attempt to go see it with Heather however it was sold out by the time we got there so we saw Bride Wars instead (cute chick flick). So I think I might attempt to see it tonight. It's a Wednesday, how crowded can the dollar movie theatre be? I say that, but Saturday night was a zoo, and when I passed by there last night (75 cent Tuesday) it was packed yet again. Desmond would say it's a sign of the times, and he's probably right. Think about it...a family of 4 goes to the regular movies on a Fri/Sat night and spends almost $ Movies 10 they spend $8. Hmmm...I think Desi's on to something.

Anyhow, back to the book. Still a page turner, but a little more frusturating than the first book. Turning the pages to figure out how this whole thing is going to end up. Went to Stephanie Meyer's website yesterday and got a little bit of a spoiler...some interesting stuff about Jacob. Am I upset with myself for looking at a spoiler? No. I think I needed it to keep me going and not get completely fed up with the events that have transpired so far. I'm about 1/4 into the book and can't wait to see how it ends.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

A Visit From the Tooth Fairy!

Well we had a very exciting weekend in the Danos' household. Isabella finally lost her tooth on Saturday! I was running around town with Heather, so I dropped Isabella off at her Auntie Perla's house to play. I told her to show Perla how loose her tooth was since the last time she saw her. I'm telling you the tooth was hanging by a string. At dinner Friday night I actually covered my face when she started talking to me because I thought it was going to come flying out of her mouth. Anyway, when I picked her up that night, they told me that Perla had taken it out! Woo hoo! She told Isabella that she was just going to clean it with a paper towel and then she just pulled it out.

So that night Isabella wanted to get ready for the tooth fairy to come. She has been sleeping with me, but wanted to sleep in her own room so the tooth fairy would find "her" pillow with "her" tooth under it. So she cleaned her entire room before going to bed. I guess you have to impress the tooth fairy with a clean room before she will leave you anything. Then she wanted to write a letter to the tooth fairy. Well it was late so I actually told her to tell me what she wanted to say and I would write it down and then she could sign it. Here are a couple of pictures. Note: You can barely tell she lost a tooth because of the mammouth tooth that had been growing behind it!

We had to put the letter and tooth in an envelope because I still hadn't found a cute tooth fairy pillow. After finishing her letter she fell asleep and slept in her bed the entire night so that the tooth fairy could come make a visit.

In the morning, she woke up and came straight to my room because she had to use the potty. When she was done she said she didn't even check to see if the tooth fairy had come! She ran back to her room and immediately got upset and started to cry. She cried out "The tooth fairy didn't come! The letter is still there!" I told to look inside the envelope...perhaps the tooth fairy just took the letter out. ;) Phew, crisis overted! She opened the envelope and saw a dollar and some tooth fairy dust! If you can read the letter in the picture above, you can see half of the questions are about tooth fairy dust. I guess the tooth fairy answered some of her questions!

(Can't really see the dust in the photo.)
Heather told me that she had gotten Cole a really cute tooth fairy pillow at McKinney Trade Days, so that's where we ended up Sunday afternoon. We got the cutest pillow and had her name put on the back of it. Next time we will be prepared!

Friday, March 13, 2009

28 weeks 2 days

Well, there I am in all my glory at 28 weeks and 2 days. Other than the fact that I kinda look like Violet the giant blueberry girl from Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory, I would have to say it's not too bad of a picture. I really didn't realize that my hair was getting that long until I saw it in this picture. I swear when I look in the mirror it doesn't look that long because I can see the layers better. I think I need a least get it re-layered. But enough about that.

Thursday, March 12, 2009


So I finally started reading Twilight. I've had gotten the book back in December for my birthday and never got around to reading it. I hate to say that I was a little hesitant because it is about vampires and I DON'T do fantasy books. But since it has been all the rage, I have to say I was intrigued. I've only been able read right before I go to bed...which has been late since I can't fall asleep since the time change...but I have to say I've been pleasantly surprised on how much I like this book! It's a very easy read and it doesn't feel too fantasy like. I could never get into the Harry Potter books because they were WAY too fantasy for me to read. Loved the movies just couldn't wrap my head around the books. I love to read and this is a really quick read. I'm already half way thru and I truly hadn't spend at lot of time with the book until yesterday when my child actually fell asleep on the car ride home and I had the evening to myself. I'm trying to hurry up and finish this weekend so that I can see the movie before it leaves the dollar movie theatre. I really want to see it on the big screen and not on DVD. I called the theatre and they said that it would be there at least thru March 19th so I have a little time. You should give it a chance and read it if you haven't already (Mom!). :)

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

28 Week Appointment

I had my 28 week appointment today! I had the yucky glucose test...hopefully the results of that will be fine. Heartbeat was right at 150. I start going every two weeks now! I have another sono next month. AND we talked about delivery dates. She knows that Desmond travels alot and is not here so wanted to know if I was wanting to induce or wait, etc. She said the earlist that she would induce would be at 39 weeks, which made me feel good...let Ava grow as long as possible. So I can pick a date anytime from May 26th - June 2nd. The 26th is my in-laws anniversary, the 27th is my mother in-law's birthday, June 1st is my sister in-law's birthday, so I'm thinking the 28th so she has a day all to herself.

Ok, babbling now...again a sign I'm happy and excited. ;)

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Third Trimester

I'm so embarrassed. I'm sitting here in my office at work with the door closed because I just lost it. I knew that I was starting my 28th week today so I went to to see how the baby was growing, etc. It hadn't dawned on me that I started the third trimester today until I read it. I just started to cry. I called my mom because I knew that I was about to lose it, and of course I did the second I started talking to her. Everyone in the office came rushing to my doorway, and my boss finally closed the door for me. I just didn't realize how relieved that I would feel to be done with the second trimester after losing Amelia. I didn't realize that I had so many emotions bottled up inside of me that would come pouring out. I'm so happy and sad all at the same time.

Monday, March 9, 2009

I Spot a Hottie!!!

When I was downloading the pictures of Isabella's tooth from my camera, there were two random pictures of Desmond! Isabella must of taken them of her Daddy. And if I do say so myself, he is HOT! ;)

It's been awhile...

So it's been awhile since I posted...sorry! I've been sick, and haven't felt up to it. I'm finally starting to feel a little better, but the bronchitis is still lingering.
I have a doctor's appointment tomorrow, so we'll see how Ava's doing. I have the yucky glucose test tomorrow...not looking forward to that! Ava is already super telling what she is going to do when she has the sugar loaded orange drink in her system. I swear sometimes I feel her doing cartwheels in there...nothing like Isabella was.

Speaking of little Miss Bella...she has some exciting news. She has her first loose tooth! I discovered it two weeks ago and the other tooth is already starting to grow behind it so it looks a little freaky. Needless to say, Desmond is freaking out that she will end up being a double toothed creature which will ruin any chance of normalcy in her adult life. And people think I'M dramatic! ;) I do have to say that I thought the little thing would of fallen out by now, but it hasn't. She won't let anyone pull it out...even if it means she'll get a visit from the tooth fairy. My girl is stubborn and if she doesn't want something, nothing will change her mind! Here are a couple of pics...