Monday, March 9, 2009

It's been awhile...

So it's been awhile since I posted...sorry! I've been sick, and haven't felt up to it. I'm finally starting to feel a little better, but the bronchitis is still lingering.
I have a doctor's appointment tomorrow, so we'll see how Ava's doing. I have the yucky glucose test tomorrow...not looking forward to that! Ava is already super telling what she is going to do when she has the sugar loaded orange drink in her system. I swear sometimes I feel her doing cartwheels in there...nothing like Isabella was.

Speaking of little Miss Bella...she has some exciting news. She has her first loose tooth! I discovered it two weeks ago and the other tooth is already starting to grow behind it so it looks a little freaky. Needless to say, Desmond is freaking out that she will end up being a double toothed creature which will ruin any chance of normalcy in her adult life. And people think I'M dramatic! ;) I do have to say that I thought the little thing would of fallen out by now, but it hasn't. She won't let anyone pull it out...even if it means she'll get a visit from the tooth fairy. My girl is stubborn and if she doesn't want something, nothing will change her mind! Here are a couple of pics...

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