Well we had a very exciting weekend in the Danos' household. Isabella finally lost her tooth on Saturday! I was running around town with Heather, so I dropped Isabella off at her Auntie Perla's house to play. I told her to show Perla how loose her tooth was since the last time she saw her. I'm telling you the tooth was hanging by a string. At dinner Friday night I actually covered my face when she started talking to me because I thought it was going to come flying out of her mouth. Anyway, when I picked her up that night, they told me that Perla had taken it out! Woo hoo! She told Isabella that she was just going to clean it with a paper towel and then she just pulled it out.
So that night Isabella wanted to get ready for the tooth fairy to come. She has been sleeping with me, but wanted to sleep in her own room so the tooth fairy would find "her" pillow with "her" tooth under it. So she cleaned her entire room before going to bed. I guess you have to impress the tooth fairy with a clean room before she will leave you anything. Then she wanted to write a letter to the tooth fairy. Well it was late so I actually told her to tell me what she wanted to say and I would write it down and then she could sign it. Here are a couple of pictures. Note: You can barely tell she lost a tooth because of the mammouth tooth that had been growing behind it!

We had to put the letter and tooth in an envelope because I still hadn't found a cute tooth fairy pillow. After finishing her letter she fell asleep and slept in her bed the entire night so that the tooth fairy could come make a visit.
In the morning, she woke up and came straight to my room because she had to use the potty. When she was done she said she didn't even check to see if the tooth fairy had come! She ran back to her room and immediately got upset and started to cry. She cried out "The tooth fairy didn't come! The letter is still there!" I told to look inside the envelope...perhaps the tooth fairy just took the letter out. ;) Phew, crisis overted! She opened the envelope and saw a dollar and some tooth fairy dust! If you can read the letter in the picture above, you can see half of the questions are about tooth fairy dust. I guess the tooth fairy answered some of her questions!

Thanks for sharing this milestone moment! Mom
Aww, how cute! Congrats Isabella!
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